An introductory guide to library technologies, now in its fourth edition!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Survey says . . .

Here is a link to a survey on Technology Innovation in Academic Libraries: While it has an academic focus (it's for a panel session at the upcoming ACRL conference at the end of March), the questions may be food for thought on how you and your library are using technologies, seeking to innovate, or perceiving disruptive technologies in your setting. I'll post the results of the survey once they become available.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Quick CSE Search Update

I know it's been a while since my last post. Here is a quick update on my CSE topic (see below). Bill Drew (SUNY - Morrisville) posted the following Google search which results in CSEs that are related to libraries or librarians in some way: will get you there.

It doesn't include my still-in-progress Ohio academic library CSE, and others may also be left out, but it's an intersteing look at what people are doing with this in libraryland.